Metro Systems, the over 35 years in IT solution provider, organized an annual seminar “The Power of Data”. The Purpose was to update new knowledge for business growth, and launched SuperApp, which was developed by Metro Systems team that has been running with a sales department with more than 100 people to increasing sales volume. 

Mr. Aroon Tor-ek-bundit, President of Solutions Integration Group, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited announced that “The storage and usage of data will be value than gasoline if we use it in the precise way. Tech companies like Facebook and Amazon have been the most valuable companies because the company using big data in their business ” If organizations able to bring the customer database that has been stored to develop in Business Transformation is the top challenge to create sustainability for the organization. “Today, Metro Systems ready to launch SuperApp ERP and multi-dimensional business solution to generate sales for customers. Those solutions help formulate insights to increase efficiency in driving the organization.”

 Mr. Theerapop Lymtrakoon, Assistance Vice President of Solutions Integration Group, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited said “COVID-19 pandemic situation is a factor that accelerates corporate transformation. The Innovative Digital Model help to win customers’ hearts and create new experiences for customers. With the expertise of Metro Systems, we have developed SuperApp ERP in response to marketing in the digital age with proactive marketing.”

Metro Systems’ SuperApp ERP is characterized by system flexibility. This is a platform that the Metro Systems team have been developed and customized according to business needs. The SuperApp ERP platform consists of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), CRM, Customer Relationship Management System, Smart Messaging, Mobile App, e-Tax, and Business Intelligence. The CRM or Customer Relationship Management System focuses on working proactively. The system can advise to the sale team on which task should be focused, follow up on any customer to achieve sales goals. You can also link with Social Chatroom to view customer history. Who the customer is, what is the order history?

Manage data to grow the organization

Mr. Meelarp Sokuma, Assistance Vice President of Solutions Integration Group, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited said “In the age of Big Data and AI, organizations need to acknowledge the system helping deliver the smarter business insights. The Advance Analytics will help organizations understand and know customers better. Nowadays, competition requires a personalized strategy or product presentation with the excellent service and in the right timing. To execute data analysis, it is necessary to centralize restoring data warehouse, which organizations can develop a data warehouse system at the Self Service Analytics level. Other department staff in the organization can extract information to use in their own work. If the organization restore data in multi dimensions space and have enough information, it able to diversify into other businesses.

Prepare your IT system for PDPA

Mr. Wittawat Junchoo, Technical Consult Manager, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited said

“IT department must prepare IT systems for the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). The information system must be managed in terms of data collection, procedures and disclosure.”

There are 4 steps to prepare the information system:

  1. Discover: It starts with extracting what information is important. Where is it stored and what type of data? Which information is personal data or important sensitive data those must have clearly identify.
  2. Manage: Identify which policy will be applied to match any database set? How is the information used? Does each step of data collection impact on any business segment or not? Or if users request to view information, IT departments must prepare systems to meet user needs.
  3. Protect: Starting from selecting the secure system and granting the right to data administrator in organization. Then design the IT system and develop the impact of individual data privacy.
  4. Detect Response: Find the gaps and make corrections.

The challenge in the big data age is the increased protection of personal information. Data protection costs go up because of big data. Vulnerabilities in the system are increasing and must be monitored and protected information to keep up with the situation. Among the other challenges are the many IoT devices that have applications to connect to the system. Lastly, human error is the challenge that every organization has to face.

Thus, Metro Systems provides the service to support your business called MICSC (Metro Intelligence Cyber Security Center). MICSC is a service center for security systems from Metro Systems that serves to Detect and Response.

  • Detect
  • Investigate
  • Analyze and Report
  • Automate

At MICSC Center has security technicians in both tier 1 and tier 2 for 24-hour surveillance and obtains ISO 27001 Safety Standards.

Step into a new business with digital era

Mr. Kasemsant Weerakun, Chairman of Board of Director, SE-Education Public Company Limited

said “During the transmission of period COVID-19, our online sales Platform increases by hundreds of percent. However, it cannot replace the sales of SE-ED’s more than 300 bookstores that had to be closed. The situation has accelerated eBook plans happen faster. This brought SE-ED to a new business model of sale called “pay per read”.

Developing eBook platform, Making SE-ED open a new business by the selling platform. If any organization wants to create an e-Library, SE-ED can provide services. Which has been a very good response, especially for educational institutions. Moreover, SE-ED has expanded other services, such as creating a new book selling model. We have been published eBook one chapter at a time and sold one chapter by chapter. If the response is good, then the book will be assembling or publish in Book form. Moreover, the display of best-selling books is accustomed to suit customer need on each branch.

Mr. Kraitep Pilaikul, Group Director – Digital Services, SBP Digital Service Co., LTD (IT solutions and services arm of the Boonrawd Brewery Group ) “Boonrawd is Thai organization that established more than 80 years and still involved in traditional manual work. However, during the past COVID Situation, Boonrawd has been developed into more digital work because we have to work from home although still unable to work 100 percent on digital platform.”

Boonrawd has applied for video conferences and internal departments such as digital salary transfers. But the restrictions of sale beer online and through authorized distributors, we have to consider on how to make working with partners for better convenient? Boonrawd has a policy to grow together with a partner, so the salesperson must understand each store. Boonrawd uses analysis system to support sales in each area for the best service including, AI into LINE chat bot to interact with customers.

Mr. Jirayoot Karnjanamayoon, Chief Information Officer, THE MALL GROUP Company Limited said “During covid 19 epidemic, causing us to adjust on the night of the announcement of the business temporary closed. Resulting in new designs of service such as the products in the supermarket that cannot be closed. We have developed the pick-up order, drive through and chat & shop structures.

The Mall’s business goals for the next 5 years are aiming to be retail entertainment center of Bangkok people. New stores have emerged, therefore our IT systems have to respond to the businesses.

About Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited

Metro Systems is the IT business provider, implementing IT systems for enterprises over 35 years in Thailand. Provide a full range of services: providing consultation, system design, installation and training. Metro Systems recognized and trusted as a valuable IT partner in Thailand by professional people.

For more information contact the marketing team : Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited Call: 02-089-4938 email: or Website: